U9/U10 Academy Overview

Information about the Academy

The Tennessee United Soccer Club Academy is a special program for U9 and U10 players. The Academy introduces these young players to the challenges of select soccer. The Academy’s philosophy is to provide an environment for the players to learn by playing, while minimizing the intense pressure to win. This philosophy transcends every training session and match. The focus of the Academy will be participation and development in a fun and rewarding environment, within a competitive arena, while emphasizing proper skills acquisition and training techniques.

2024-2025 season Tryout Dates:

Tryout Dates for the 2024/2025 Year have passed, but U9 and U10 players can still join.  Please contact Assistant Academy Director Garrett Abraham for more information at garrettabraham@tnunitedsc.com.

Age Ranges:
Annual (but flexible on a case-by-case basis). The annual commitment includes Fall and Spring seasons.
Program Goals and Benefits:
Fun and creative training ideas, professionally designed by the TUSC Director of Coaching, to provide a developmentally appropriate training environment.
For more information on the fee structure at TUSC:  https://tnunitedsc.com/about-us/fee-structure/
(Fees can be reduced through built-in club fundraisers.)
Fees Include:

For more information about U9 and U10, please check our Club Structure page by | Clicking Here